Key Issues
Transparency and accountability by our elected officials has been lacking for a long time. Transparency breeds accountability and trust and helps prevent bad behavior. “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Key issues include:
Lack of financial transparency
Financial account shell games
Resident’s reliance on FOIA requests to obtain even the most basic information
How to use $4.4M in federal funds from the CARES stimulus package
Water & Sewer Forensic Audit
Recommendations to improve transparency and accountability:
Participate in OpentheBooks.com for greater transparency and accountability.
Stop transferring money between accounts. For example, prohibit moving general fund money to departments that receive millage (i.e. Public Safety received $6.66M and Roads received nearly $2M in this year’s fiscal year budget)
Develop policy and processes to provide full transparency on budgeting, spending and reporting against specific accounts.
Track all donations to campaigns and report on every issue that donors presented to the Township in the previous four years and the outcome of those issues.
Provide full visibility to citizens on all expense payments by employee including names, locations, reasons and costs.