Longevity Pay is not about job performance

Longevity Pay is not about job performance, it is just about notching another year in the seniority belt. It was stopped for new hires in 2011, so pre-2011 employees with the highest salary and the many hired before 2005 with the pension plan, get an even bigger boost.
Longevity pay costs the taxpayers enormously! It creates a hierarchy that is unfair to younger employees. The practice needs to end now, not 6 years from now. Pay should be based on performance, period.
5 years of full time service = 2% of base salary 10 years of full time service = 4% of base salary
15 years of full time service = 6% of base salary 20 years of full time service = 8% of base salary
25 years of full time service = 10% of base salary
EXAMPLE: $100,000 salary = $10,000 longevity bonus plus 2.5% annual bonus.